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Wellspring Women's Ministry
Helping women grow closer to God and to each other.
Email for more information.
Why "Wellspring"?
This wellspring is JESUS, the living water, a bountiful source of GRACE. This living water in us produces eternal life, joy, satisfaction, purposefulness, creativity and power. Christ in us...a fullness, a completeness to the point of overflowing. And in overflowing, it offers sweet coolness, a refreshment to others.
What's Happening?
Watch for announcements during the Sunday worship service
Check the bi-monthly newsletter
Check the Facebook page (Wellspring--Women's Ministry at River Community Church, Iowa City
Check the Events link on the Facebook page
Our hope is to include the opportunity for spiritual growth (drawing closer to God) and service to others as we work together (drawing closer to each other).
Options may include:
Sunday Grow Groups
M.A.D. Craft Days (Make a Difference)
Bible studies
Preparing meals for DVIP (Domestic Violence Intervention Program)
Monthly noon Meet 'n' Eats
Summer Book Club
Movie and Game Nights
We look forward to including you in one or more of our activities!
May one of our leaders contact you with more information?